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  Discussions Forums
Forums Topics Posts Last Post
This forum is for discussions related to adjudication.
0 0
This forum is for discussions related to corrections.
0 0
Crime and Crime Statistics
This forum is for discussions related to general discussions of crime and crime statistics.
2 0 CCJ Crime Trends Working Group Final Report 
by Susan Howley
on 06/27/2024 08:50:51 AM
Incident-Based Reporting/NIBRS
This forum is for discussions related to incident-based reporting and NIBRS.
3 0 NIBRS Quality Assurance Programs and Procedures 
by Bradley Brick
on 10/18/2022 10:45:19 AM
Juvenile Justice
This forum is for discussions related to juvenile justice.
0 0
Law Enforcement
This forum is for discussions related to law enforcement
0 0
Prosecution and Pretrial
This forum is for discussions related to prosecution and pretrial.
1 0 SAC Prosecutorial data 
by George Shaler
on 12/06/2023 01:27:52 PM
Sentencing and Sanctions
This forum is for discussions related to Sentencing and Sanctions.
0 0
Statistical Analysis
This forum is for discussions related to methods of statistical analysis.
1 6 Re:Data Suppression 
by Bailey Maryfield
on 01/28/2022 10:23:12 AM
Translating Research
This forum is for discussions related to research communication and stakeholder engagement.
9 29 Re:Training Recommendations 
by Susan Howley
on 09/27/2023 06:41:15 PM
Victimizations and Crime Victims
This forum is for discussions related to victimization and crime victims.
5 0 Combining Crime and Victim Services Data for Strategic Planning 
by Thomas Strauss
on 08/23/2022 12:29:42 PM
 Board Statistics
Total Categories: 10 Total Forums: 40 Total Threads: 90 Total Posts: 155